Any1 wanna noe abt the class name?
Friday, February 29, 2008 / 8:59 PM
Hey my 1st tym post so wun b gd...
about 3clip2e... To the whole class(including JP n no personal attack k?)
Remember the teachers telling u guys abt how an eclipse work?
U guys can relate it to whats happening in our daily life dun u agree?
For example: remember that we have different faces in each of our own unique character? Initially, others can only see the appearance or the good side of ourselves rite? Its the same...we can see the sun only before the eclipse. Everything seems perfectly filled wif light until the moon gets directly in between the sun n the earth. Similarly, others begin to doubt wat they can see abt us as even best frens r not perfect. ppl begin to find flaws in us...but in the end, ppl still hav to accept wat they see rite? frens shld b thre for each other...dun u agree? thats wen the moon clears the way again n ppl can see hope for a btr future...
Of course this is not the only reason i want to use tis name. As children, im sure most of u crossed ur childhood without much faults in your life rite? Bt as the sky darkens(due to eclipse), mani of us suddenly meet wif possibly a trajedy, an unhapi incident, ur life meets wif a hard blow... still, the sky will clear n all will b just a memory of a tym...i hope u guys will stand up against any faults u meet, any odds u face in ur life... hope we can stand strongly as a class and overcome anything that stands in our way kaes???
Oh and pls... JP is too sensitive...full moon? U guys are bad...anyway tats all thre is i had wanted to pass tis msg b4 common test in the class bt too late i jus post it hre...
By Shao Heng..............
What The... (4th Post by Mathspro)
/ 6:08 PM
Up to now...still got ppl dunno who in the world is Mathspro ar???i feel so SAD and EMO...zzz
Jing Fang u go check out who am i...zzz...2months le u still do not noe...m i that to say ar...unpopular???
Yesterday geog lesson...Mrs Phua finally cannot stand JP then shout at JP to ask him to SHUT UP!!! lols...then the whole class laughing...then the last two periods yesterday is A Maths and E Maths...then Mrs Poh teach E Maths...then JP in front keep talking and oso keep turning behind to disturb Sze Chew and Chin Wen...then they two gettin so irritated...then Mrs Poh oso dun like noise then she like heating up...going to boil like that...then she could stand it no longer then she oso scold JP ask him SHUT UP and say that he very noisy...yesterday the B girls and B Boys volleyball got match so Mrs Poh onli come for 1 period then after that she go watch match...after the maths period when she going back to staff room that time...she ask me help her carry he laptop...she says that i m very helpful one...haha...which i indeed am...then on the way to the
Oracle staffroom...she talk to me
ALL ABOUT JP...she said that
JP LAUGH VERY LOUD, but the WORST OF ALL IS THAT JP LAUGH FOR NO REASON...EVERYTHING OSO LAUGH AND HIS LAUGHTER IS DAMN ...ERM... DISGUSTING!!Then i was like laughing...then help her carry her laptop up to 2nd floor then she went to staffroom and thanked me...then Mr Tan Hak Soon (spelt correctly??) told Mrs Poh that she look very tired...then after that i went off...dunno if she got complain about JP anot...if got then JP die lor...lols...Today was a short day...then chemistry lesson went to chem lab do chromatography...then
guangrui spill 2 lor...then i do 3 times the chromatogram oso not happy with the the black dye like nth come out like is empty...zzz then feel like throwing the
paper away...then when i feeling very emo that time huiyi told me that there's something at JP
butt...then i went to look then saw theres a piece of paper attached...on it it says I AM AN ASS! i
was laughing like i told hungwei then he go see oso cannot see...he dunno where
butt is izzit...or he scared he smell
For those who dunno i am rite...go find out from your friends......zzz
Thursday, February 28, 2008 / 7:41 PM

shaoyang said can post.
regardless what i write or distort it.
u know i know who the ah dear is^^.
nice playing of songs;shaoyang.
esp "secret!"
happy birthday GUANGRUI!
- ahying
/ 7:27 PM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 / 11:45 PM
hmmmmmm. bet everyone is very happy today. haha. bet everyone pass english and score high marks today! many scored 20/30 right! lol. during SS today. mandy is so 'PRO'. Mandy was vs-ing with Jasmine to see whose computer will load finish the SS ppt 1st. then jasmine started fanning the cpu using the worksheet given by ms tay, hoping that the computer will load faster? and mandy started doing the same thing. jasmine stopped after a while. then mandy continued... then at the end of the period, ms tay saw mandy's paper. and scolded her. =.- why? cause the whole paper became very crumpled due to all the fanning. HAHAHAHA.anyway. Mandy's computer loaded faster than Jasmine de. so Mandy win la. lol. but she only win scolding from ms tay -.-''' lol.jingfanggg :D
3rd Post (by Mathspro)
/ 5:51 PM
lols...THX, it's not uncommon for people to fail their Maths...你也不例外...hahas...its also not uncommon for u to fail ur Maths this year...whole day think of her...haha!
today i pity HanXiong lor...during READING period nvr bring book, nid stay bak after school to copy RD...haha...he very 伟大...sacrifice himself to save Valerie...coz she nvr bring then THX dun wan her to get punish so he sacrifice lor...i m just crapping...forget abt that part...XD
Yesterday EL period Suzanna Lee ask Valerie to close lights...then called her lights girl...then i go correct Ms Lee say she's THX's girls...HX, dun blame me but its true...just love to 酸 you... lets stop talking abt hanxiong and move to something else...who has finished their Geog Journal? Any Tips to share...coz i havent finish mine...oh 1st half of the reading period is dam funny...Oscurby(i m not sure of the correct spelling...) and Yi Hao went to stage to show us a was HILARIOUS! Yi Hao acting as a Singaporean speaking poor English...then Oscurby acted as a tourist who doesnt understand what we Singaporeans are speaking...which i think is somewhat quite true...*so ashamed...then the 2nd speech show is where 2 ASEAN scholars having a dialogue...on room service...a guest oredering breakfast while a typical Singaporean receives it at the end of the line and take down was DAMN FUNNY!!! i m lucky as though my English isnt good, i m not that bad either...what a relief...
Does anyone knows who 大鸟is? ask around to ee who likes Sesame Street when they are young...and perhaps now...lols...quite easy to guess actually...
Signing Off...
P.S. (sry for the emo...i seriously feeling very sianz now...or in proper English...I am feeling very boring right now
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 / 6:58 PM
hws all of ur results so far?
i failed both my maths *sobs.
bcuz of my stupid careless mistakes =(
jiayou for those hu failed n keep it up 4 dose hu fared well!!
hahas decided dat more post wld cheer dis blog up.
oh ya i dont noe most of mi classmates email yet.
actualli oso lazi to add la.
but juz add me kaes?
doin geog journal veri boring..
bet alot of ya nvr do ba!
lol and ya do change da blogsng =)
jy 4 ur hmks xD
Escape Artist in the making...?? (by Mathspro)
Monday, February 25, 2008 / 9:01 PM
Today last 2 periods is A Maths and E Maths...Mrs Poe came in got new hairstyle...way to go man...then she come in dun look too happy...pull long face...then he ask us quiet then she give out A Maths paper...then she said onli 19 ppl pass...i m NOT the lucky 19s...then go through a lot...then E Maths period reached le...she went to take our E Maths paper...she came back and give out those who failed first...i feel so sad sia...then later she give out those many who pass...when Aylwin get back A Maths paper then he see he pass...he shouted very loudly "WAH!! I PASS MY A MATHS AR?" sounding surprise...then Mrs Poe not too happy...replied back"You are SUPPOSED to pass...unless u NVR STUDY" lols...
then after the Maths lessons...we are supposed to go for CCA or go home...then she asked us hand in the paper to see our corrections...she nvr let us go yet...she then say must all corrections done then can go home...nvr do corrections minus 2 marks...she oso said that she anyhow pick a paper can see corrections not done...feel so sad for the class...i managed to escape a while to catch some cool air outside(air in classroom sibei hOt sia) coz i tell Mrs Poe that i need to hand in Chinese 报章报道 to Mr Phang...she actually didnt believe then i convinced her...coz i m chinese rep mah...nid to go hand in the whole stack to mr phang...JP say he got do 报章报道 then say he nvr bring...i bet is he nvr do lor...find excuse say nvr bring...then take ppl work and sad for Sze Chew...i after putting the stacks of chinese howework liao then need go back to class...Mrs Por still look very RED...i went back to my seat and read chinese newspaper about 陈冠西(not sure spelt correctly but some internet put so...) coz nth to do mah...dun think dirty...
then suddenly some shadow walk pass hungwei...beside me mah...then we all saw is Jian Hui! he then escape out of classroom...he lucky...
Disaster STRUCK! Mrs Poe was calling out Jian Hui's name...the class burst out into laughter...then Mrs Poe thought she read wrongly then she said Ong Jian Hui right?? the class still laughing...then Teng Chin said "He went out"...then Mrs Poe's reaction dam funny lor...Jian Hui u die one can help u
then got 1 malay teacher came in and tell Mrs Poe that they nid use classroom for lessons...then Mrs Poe no choice but to let us off...haha
Then Aylward, Aylwin that bunch all wan go eat Mee Hoon Kuay...then walk along the corridor thay talk ver loudly then got 1 malay teacher came out and scold them...actually i was walking with them one but luckily i on the way i talk to someone else then i was a bit behind them so i never tio caught...or shud i say i went to take flyers...i m lucky...woots~~
the malay teacher is a volleyball teacher...not one who teaches volleyball but one who is, like Mrs Poe, supervise and take attendance one...he scold them and said "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE??!" some of u might not get the joke...but nvr...Hans, and some ppl get the me...but dun ask me to explain it to u... after a while the group of LOUD ones were allowed to go and eat Mee Hoon Kuay! Then Aylward AKA 笑柄 was so happy...then he say"YAY! can eat Mee Hoon Kuay le...WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE??!"'s dreams...(somehow sounds lika the advertisement...that goes like this..."Sweet Dreams...have a happy ...(you noe what lah...dunno then come and ask me or watch TV ads more often...'i m having english ______ now...fill in the blank and u get the secret word)
Everybody...Sweet dreams ...have a happy _____!
/ 8:43 PM
Er, I sent some invites to people to post at the blog.
Apologies if I didn't sent it to you, it would be either because I'm not sure of your email, or because of time constraints. (homework..)
Yea, so if you didn't receive it, please tell me, wasn't intentional that I forgot to send you. /:
Yeah, that's all, yeah, it's ok if we link M1, so tell us your blog link! :D
Remember to - Geog journal, chemistry atom ws, and login to litespeed to get your account or something.
-Hui Yi
/ 8:35 PM
Hi everyone! I m the emoing guy here AKA Mathspro...
i m honoured to be the first to post(other than the IC)
Ppl pls...come to this blog and make it lively...its ur class...u know?...eclipse...full moon...wad does it remind u of? i better not say...以免有人不高兴...(shafiq...wad i meant was "in case some ppl not happy"...see?! i told u all i m nt a racist!!!XD)
Common Tests results getting back already...all feeling very down?? except HongDa...all get full 大鸟say one...(go guess who is 大鸟...he/she loves to watch sesame offence ...seriously offence!!)
tomorrow i think got SS nid go comp lab do the elearn trina tay...maybe tomorrow people can take time to secretly visit class blog bah...Shhh...dun let ms tay find out...
for those who fail A Maths...i salute u!coz i failed too! we are in the sam boat...
give u all a clue on who is 大鸟...he A Maths and E Maths both paper got same marks as me...he copy me de...我是无辜的!i m innocent...he copied my A1 day i will shoot that bird down...jkjk
Have a Happy Evening!
Friday, February 22, 2008 / 11:13 PM
Hellos. (:
Yup...a random blogskin now.
Hopefully ... we'll get our own one soon.
Care & Share! Any news anyone want to post here?
And, who am I supposed to give the blog user and password to? To those who are interested to keep posting?
Hahas, do tag at the tagboard.
Good luck for the results of common tests! ((:
Btw, blog is half done. Abit of stuffs here and there. Haha.
Song came with the blog. So...might be good if you all can suggest songs.
-Hui Yi