Apparently this post is gonna be the same as at my blog. I'm uber lazy to think of new captions. :D Er maybe it's a little different.
Yup, so here are the cheering comp pics!
Credits to Alex from 4T1 for helping me to take pics! Great guy, was my leader in the December band farewell thingy games for Ms Ng.

Jian hui.

Jian hui...

Jing Fang and me :D Holding balloons made by JF.

Cheryl and Xue Juan! Cheryl can join us during the finals! Woohoo!

Ting Hui! Supposed to be an owl!

Jian Hui's hair...

This looks so qian zou. HAHAHAHAH

Looks lecherous

Familiar pose...

Mandy! Don't shy!

The class. Sigh. [:

Getting ready!


Making our way up...

T2 Amigos!


M2 Ad Inifinitum! (sorry not really clear of the spelling x_x)

Doing that, under the pole thing, forgot what it's called

T1 .. (forgot what name, sorry)
Rong Jie is uber sexy lah! HAHAHAHA.

Us still waiting..rotting there

Passing the thickest frame glasses or smth to the emcees. Aylwin super good la..I bet if it was him doing the catwalk will win. :D
Our class! very little pics cos my camera was out of battery. ARRRRRRRGH.


TH and yours truly

Plus JingFang
Enjoy again! :D