Some announcements xD
Monday, March 23, 2009 / 10:59 PM
New Timetable for 4P2
The highlighted lessons are the ones with changes. :)

Venues : MP1 & 2 ; Library Instructional Room
Dates : Every Friday
27 March
03 April
17 April
24 April
08 May
15 May
22 May
Time : 6 pm - 9 pm
All selected students are to attend a brieifng and collect opt-in forms on Thursday 12 March 2009 in AVA Room.Students who have not hand in the opt-in form or have valid reasons to opt out have to meet the DM personally.
NAPFA for 4P2
2.4 km Run24 March 2009 (Day 9)
0845 - 0945 hrs
* This is during PE lesson.
5 items test02 April 2009 (Day 4)
* This is after school.
Please hand in your progress report (signed) to HUIYI :D
By 24 March 2009, ZETONG will need information for the badminton course. Please go to him to state your level of proficiency. :D
If you have lost yoru ezylink card, do go to the General Office to collect it on 24 March 2009.
Good luckkk with this week's AMATHS test. ;)
All info will be on class notice board too. Thank You. xD
LOBSTERRRR~~rar... =)
Thursday, March 19, 2009 / 5:52 PM
How's ur holydays ppl?
Enjoying it or does it just sucks?
Holidays like no holiday mood rite?
boring exams sia...
and anyway...can someone keep the class blog updated pls?
or it is gonna get realli dead and boring...
we won 1st(runner-up onli) in boys vball!
Congrats to me XD
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 / 9:06 PM
FYI ...(:*abit colourful(chuckles), haha. jiayous eclipse(: jieying(:Ladies:
Ourfirstmatch =
0848-0854; 4Bteam 1 VS eclipseteam1 *Court1.
0842-0848; T1team3 VS eclipseteam2 *Court2.
If we manage to triumph the other classes, our next match will most probably fall between 0925 to 0949. (:D)
IF! we manage to get into the semi-finals, which will be wow-wow(:, match will fall between 1000 to 1100.
then again, IF we can get into finals!, which will be great(:, match will fall at time 1110 to 1120.
(we will be playing netball(: Our details are however not as detailed as the boys. )
8.30am; P1team1 VS eclipseteam1 (venue not stated)
8.20am; P1team2 VS eclipseteam2 (venue not stated)
*hahas, i hope hope hope think think think you all will win. let's say, If you all win......
9.10am--> eclipse may have to compete with either 4C or L1.
[] Then let's say, If you all still win...!...then will have to compete with either 5A/5B/4A/4B at 9.40am.
[] Then...If you all still win again...!(like haha)...then will have to compete with either T1/T2/4C/M1 at 9.55am and win to emerge as GROUP ONE's winner!
let's just say you all will win too! this group got 2 real volleyballers yea (:
-->At 8.55am, eclipse will compete with either T1/T2.
[] Then, same as group1, IF you all manage to win...!...(=Dhahaha)...
you will compete with either 5A/5B at 9.25am !
[] okok, and IF you all still WIN again!...
you will be competing with either M1/M2 at time 9.40am.
AND THEN WIN! to emerge as GROUP2'S winner!
[] Like wow-wow!
Then lastly, will be the finals, at 10.30am whereby the true winner shall emerge !
/ 8:26 PM
BPGHS 48th Annual Sports Day 2009
Celebrating the Olympics Spirit:
Respect, Friendship, Excellence
Things to note !:
+ Report to school in Half uniform with House T-shirt on 13March 2009 from 7.45am to 12.30pm (don't be late (:)
+ Theme of the sports day is "Celebrating Olympism"
+ Change into Sports attire (track shoes allowed) for morning assembly
+ Please bring your water bottle.
+ Students with MC please report to House Master in-charge of level games
+ Support your house after your games, please do not return to class
+ RECESS TIME ! From 9.45am to 11.05am.
+ Parents + Teachers VS Students game (Soccer @11.00am,Netball@11.30am)
+ When you are free, go Cheer and Encourage your team mates!
+ Band performance during Prize giving at 12 noon in MPH.
+ Lastly, have fun !
=Quoted from the piece of paper from the school.
with regards,
Lame joke 冷笑话. Courtesy from Class No.1 last year
Thursday, March 5, 2009 / 8:50 PM
well i was on MSN then No.1 come talk to me.
then he told me a joke... it goes like this...(<--Ellipsis, WOW?!)
There was an idiot reading a book and walking along a street. Why did he suddenly stop dead in his tracks??
Well, the answer is becoz he saw a Fool-stop
Wa...No.1 so creative sia, think of this joke himself...not bad wad
Be lively pls
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 / 8:47 PM
Well...this class blog is like so dam dead? So i 牺牲小我,完成大我 come and post something...
I shall talk abt last Saturday's Sandcastles making day...
That day, i was like so sleepy and lazy coz it is a Sat morning!! even since i completed my MindChamps S4L 8039 class, i have never woken up so early during Sat unless, of course, there is something fun... that Sat i woke up early...many of u did too rite? went to school and saw a group of sissies who were afraid of the Sun...well those ppl are the choir group...actually i onli meant ThanxD (<------Stupid rite? wad a name...zzz) he and his Valentine...our class took attendance and then hopped on the bus on our way to East Coast Sandcastle Beach...the VP was wif it wasnt fun at all...i still like the old days where during Sec 1&2, 106 & 205 was a really lively class...we sang the BOO/BU song...hahas i singer whereas Kaixiang was the author
I contributed a lot to the Pandan Cake Shopping Centre...Chee Koon and Hung Wei too...we help using EYE-POWER!! that means we just look and nvr use hands...actually we did, we went to get pails of water...heavy sia!
Birdy SCREWED up our Pandan Cake by flattening it TOO MUCH! he use flattener and fool around...but we all noe he just wan to help, therefore the 'chipped off' part was then changed to the entrance of the shopping centre...haiz, our town practically SUX!
At the end of the thing and the reflections, we became DESTROYERS!!! we threw rocks at the sandcastles and it was dam fun...erm...y am i so bad...well nvm...then they asked me was it enjoyable? then i said "TRUE TRUE"