New Timetable for 4P2
The highlighted lessons are the ones with changes. :)

Venues : MP1 & 2 ; Library Instructional Room
Dates : Every Friday
27 March
03 April
17 April
24 April
08 May
15 May
22 May
Time : 6 pm - 9 pm
All selected students are to attend a brieifng and collect opt-in forms on Thursday 12 March 2009 in AVA Room.Students who have not hand in the opt-in form or have valid reasons to opt out have to meet the DM personally.
NAPFA for 4P2
2.4 km Run24 March 2009 (Day 9)
0845 - 0945 hrs
* This is during PE lesson.
5 items test02 April 2009 (Day 4)
* This is after school.
Please hand in your progress report (signed) to HUIYI :D
By 24 March 2009, ZETONG will need information for the badminton course. Please go to him to state your level of proficiency. :D
If you have lost yoru ezylink card, do go to the General Office to collect it on 24 March 2009.
Good luckkk with this week's AMATHS test. ;)
All info will be on class notice board too. Thank You. xD
LOBSTERRRR~~rar... =)