Release of 'O' Level Results.
Hey dearest 4P2,
I am Alicia, your 'once-so-damn-loved' chairman. LOL.
The "O" Levels result will be released on Monday, 11 January 2010 at 2 pm in our school multi-purpose hall (Level 4). Please be in full school uniform with your neat and tidy haircut, although Mr Tan won't catch us for the ONE LAST TIME. Putting ourselves in presentable attire is the basic respect we can give our school for grooming us into who we are in the past 4 years, it wasn't easy.
Our darling Ms Tay and our subject teachers will be there to see our fate, hehe. The procedure will be same like what we saw last year when our seniors in the previous batch received their results. It will be again, a time of suspense, and perhaps the last time we all can gather together as a class.
May all of 4P2 go up on the stage! Wish everyone the best on that day, no matter what we get, or where we go to, always remember the spirit of 4P2 is always there and the memories of us as a class shall never fade. :)
Your chairman xoxo,
Alicia (:
This may be the last time I blog here about our class issues, LOL. Sentimental. ^^

Just some of the pictures I kept to remind me of you guys. (:
Labels: class, Olevel, results